August 21, 2013

Happy Senior Citizens Day!

(Click the infographic to see and share at full size) Did you know it is Senior Citizens Day today? August 21 marks the day for Brayton Purcell LLP to celebrate our elders and raise awareness about mesothelioma among senior citizens. What are you doing on this special day?
August 21, 2013

Mesothelioma needs a lifetime of exposure to asbestos, right?

At times, the issue of asbestos seems outdated. Asbestos-containing materials have been reduced or restricted to such a point that it seems unlikely that anyone would even encounter the deadly material any more. That is what the apologists for the asbestos industry would like you to believe. That asbestos was used in World War 2 [...]
August 19, 2013

Mesothelioma Among Senior Citizens

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and uncommon cancer that affects 2,000 to 3,000 U.S. citizens each year1 – but where does it come from? Mesothelioma is rooted in asbestos exposure. When asbestos fibers are inhaled or swallowed, they are able to penetrate and damage the cells within the membrane that lines the pleural cavity where your [...]
August 14, 2013

Infographic: Asbestos Timeline

Are you caught up with these asbestos facts? This infographic will give you an overview of asbestos in the United States through time. If you are struggling with an asbestos-related illness, don’t hesitate to contact an asbestos attorneys who will fight tirelessly for you and your rights! (Click on the infographic to view and share the [...]
August 12, 2013

Choosing an Asbestos Attorney

Being exposed to asbestos and finding out that you are now waging a tough battle against an asbestos-related illness is never easy. That is why Brayton Purcell LLP works to defend the rights of those affected by asbestos, and their families. Here are some key points to choosing an asbestos attorney for yourself or an affected family [...]
August 7, 2013

Asbestos Infographic: Amosite Facts

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring, fibrous mineral that can be classified into six types. Of the six, amosite is one of the most common forms of asbestos that workers and their families are exposed to. Let’s take a look at some amosite facts in our asbestos infographic: If you or a loved one has been affected [...]
August 6, 2013

Asbestos: Always an Unwelcome Guest

For some, it probably doesn’t seem that long ago. The year was 1968, the town, Gary, Indiana. A new 14-story hotel was opening in the downtown. Like most new buildings, it was constructed with the latest in modern techniques. The timing was, shall we say, not the best. Gary, like many industrial cities of the [...]
August 5, 2013

Asbestos Exposure: Are You at Risk?

Jobs of all kinds have exposed millions of workers to asbestos since the beginning of its use. According to the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, almost 100 occupations have been documented to expose workers to asbestos, while thirty percent of mesothelioma victims are veterans of the U.S. Military. Here are just a few [...]
August 1, 2013

Should We Use Early Screening for Mesothelioma?

Early detection of cancer is very helpful for treatment success. To catch colon cancer, colonoscopies are recommended for everyone older than 50. Lung cancer screening has been recommended for those who have a long history of smoking. Because asbestos exposure can cause asbestosis, and then develop into mesothelioma, it seems as if regular screening could [...]