Talk to An Attorney – No Cost Case Analysis
Engineered stone (Quartz) (artificial) (manufactured) countertop workers, who have been diagnosed with silicosis or lung cancer, or believe they may have silicosis, contact us online or call us at (855) 335-8606 for a no cost case analysis. You may be entitled to monetary recovery. Protect your rights.
For an overview of engineered stone, why it is dangerous, and how it causes silicosis and other diseases, click here
To learn about Safety and Medical resources, and how to reduce or eliminate exposure to silica, click here
To learn about what the manufacturers and distributors of engineered stone knew about the hazards of their products, click here
For an updated listing of current news, click here.
For important regulatory hearings and medical presentations about the epidemic of engineered stone silicosis, click here
To learn about the types of monetary damages available to silicosis victims, statute of limitations (deadlines to file a lawsuit), or the major defendant manufacturers of engineered stone, click here
While not as effective at disease prevention as an air fed positive pressure respirator or a complete ban, the CDPH (California Department of Public Health) – Occupational Health Branch maintains an updated website with Silica Safety Resources for Stone Fabricators and in Spanish at Fabricantes de Encimeras y Enfermedad Pulmonar. The CDPH site includes:
- Stone Fabrication Worker Hazard Alert and in Spanish at Alerta De Peligro Los Trabajadores , which can be printed and posted at work sites.
- Workplace Air Monitoring for Silica-Employer Guide
and in Spanish at Monitorizacion En El Lugar De Trabajo De La Silice En El Aire
- CAL/OSHA Silica Standard Overview and in Spanish at Vison General De La Norma De LA CAL/OSHA Sobre Silice
- Hazard Warning: Silica Dust From Countertop Fabrication for employers.
- Hazard Warning: Silica Dust From Countertop Fabrication for workers, and in Spanish at Advertencia De Peligro: Polvo De Silice Generado Por El Trabajo En Encimeras, and in Chinese
The California Labor Lab and the University of San Francisco maintain an updated California Artificial Stone and Silicosis Project
The Texas Department of Health & Human Services – Silica Health Advisory maintains a worker health advisor – Worker Exposure to Silica Dust During Stone Countertop Fabrication – March 18, 2019
Georgia Tech’s Department of Safety, Health, & Environmental Services maintains training modules in English and Spanish for fabrication shop Control of Silica Exposure In Engineered Stone Fabrication Facilities
The U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) has issued two respirable crystalline silica standards to protect workers.
The Western Occupational & Environmental Medical Association (WOEMA), has established the Silica Medical Exam Practitioner Roster, which is a list of medical facilities in California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Hawaii which offer silicosis medical surveillance examinations for artificial stone workers.