Laundry Detergent Pods
November 13, 2013Agency Considering New Rule for Acceptable Exposure to Silica
September 8, 2014Do you think twice about what you buy? Most Americans do not. They trust the makers of products to do so with consumers’ health and safety in mind as a top priority, but that is not always the case. Even the most well-intentioned companies have violated this capitalistic trust by unknowingly allowing a negligent or faulty product within retail stores. It’s happening every day, and might encourage you to think twice before you buy the hottest new product to hit the shelves.
Of all the ways to make a little profit in our world today, exposing customers to toxic substances should not be one of them. Take a look at some of the most common consumer products to contain toxic chemicals:
New Car Parts
Did you know that “new car smell” has less to do with how new your car is and more to do with the chemicals found within the dashboard, armrests, seats, and steering wheel of the vehicle? Toxic chemicals such as bromine, chlorine, and lead are found to be present in new and used cars throughout our country today.
Cleaning Products
Of all of the toxic products consumers are exposed to, cleaning supplies are some of the most dangerous. Environmental experts estimate that the average household contains 62 toxic chemicals, while healthy alternatives are readily available. Ammonia, 2-butoxyethanol, and sodium hydroxide are just a few of the most common toxic chemicals found in American cleaning products.
Toddler Toys
Year after year, our children’s toys are made from toxic chemicals. Whether it is in the paint, plastic, or fabric of the toy, these toxins are easily swallowed, inhaled, and absorbed through the skin by children of all ages. Cadmium, arsenic, and mercury are all chemicals commonly found in toys on store shelves.