November 4, 2013

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

by Brayton Purcell LLP | Nov 4, 2013 | Asbestos-Related Illness | Happy November! Did you know that this is the month to spread awareness about lung cancer? No matter if you or someone you know has been diagnosed, or if you are just learning about this deadly disease today, now is the perfect time [...]
October 30, 2013

The Dangers of Smoking Combined with Asbestos Exposure

Did you know that asbestos is a major cause of lung cancer? Many people think that smoking tobacco is the only way a person can develop lung cancer, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Anyone who has lungs can get lung cancer, and the risk greatly increases when you add both cigarette smoking [...]
October 29, 2013

Where There’s Smoke, There May Be Asbestos

Firefighters are highly admired for their selfless devotion to saving lives. They place their own lives at risk every time they enter a burning building. The dangers they face are many, from the threat of the flames themselves to the inhalation of smoke and toxic fumes and the risk of an engulfed building collapsing. But [...]
October 25, 2013

Inspirational Image: Make a Difference

Tomorrow is Make a Difference Day! What are you doing to make a difference in the lives of those affected by asbestos exposure? Take a look back at Monday’s post for a few suggestions. Here at Brayton Purcell, LLP, we strive to make a difference in the lives of asbestos victims everyday. Have you been [...]
October 22, 2013

Asbestos Cigarette Filters?

Some old advertising makes one cringe today. Some of the most egregious examples of this are the old cigarette advertisements, with doctors standing in exam rooms, smoking cigarettes. A story today from the Sacrament Bee takes that one step further, with a story about cigarettes from the 1950s, where not only were smokers at risk [...]
October 21, 2013

3 Ways to Make a Difference for Mesothelioma Victims

Make a Difference Day is approaching! October 26 is the day to make a difference; are you wondering how to do so? So many individuals in the United States are affected by mesothelioma, a rare, painful, and incurable form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Making a difference in their lives for just one day [...]
October 16, 2013

Mesothelioma in Military Vets Infographic

Were you wondering why so many of our veterans are affected by mesothelioma? It is probably because they spent so much time around asbestos on Navy ships, in Army vehicles, and in Air Force planes. Take a look at our newest infographic to learn more about asbestos exposure within all branches of the United States [...]
October 15, 2013

University always learning of new asbestos in their buildings

Asbestos has proven to be a very expensive building material. It is expensive in one sense, in that it has cost numerous lives of people who unknowingly inhaled asbestos fibers and developed mesothelioma, in mines where the material was excavated, in plants that used it to make insulation and other building supplies, in California shipyards, [...]
October 11, 2013

Mesothelioma Awareness for Shipbuilders

What American occupations do you think are the deadliest? One might assume that our firefighters or police are the ones gambling with their lives daily against fires and criminals, but dangers on the job are not always visible. Toxic substances like asbestos have been silent killers for many different kinds of workers throughout history. United [...]