Malignant mesothelioma affects men more than women. Historically, men have held jobs at sites where they were continually exposed to asbestos over the years and decades. However, women are not immune to the disease. Throughout the country, they have also been diagnosed with this incurable form of asbestos cancer, many from doing their patriotic duty or helping out around the house.
Handling Complex Legal Cases Involving Malignant Mesothelioma in Women
Regardless of our clients’ genders, the mesothelioma attorneys at Brayton Purcell LLP, provide dedicated advocacy to those suffering from deadly mesothelioma. On their behalf, they have secured multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, and throughout the nation.
During World War II, women took up jobs normally held by their male counterparts. They worked in factories and shipyards in place of the men serving their country, putting themselves in direct contact with asbestos.
More common cases involve secondhand asbestos exposure, specifically in the home. Husbands or fathers worked in chemical and power plants, steel mills, factories, and other locations that made use of asbestos. Dust and fibers were brought home on their clothing or in the family car and subsequently inhaled by others living in the home, specifically spouses and children doing laundry or merely greeting their husband or father at the door with a hug each day.
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Combining the experience of 23 highly skilled lawyers, the dedication of 150 seasoned support personnel, and the diligence of an in-house investigative team, Brayton Purcell LLP, devotes its vast resources to pursuing the best outcome and maximizing compensation for clients. For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer regarding mesothelioma cancer in women, please contact Brayton Purcell LLP today.