Watching the so-called FACT (Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency) Act pass in the House of Representatives was difficult for the victims of asbestos exposure. The act puts victims’ privacy at risk, as well as limits their access to justice. This morning, the U.S. Senate held a hearing to discuss the bill. The senate will eventually vote as to whether the bill will make its way to the president or not.

You can watch a recording of the hearing and read the witness testimonies, here. Mr. Elihu Inselbuch’s testimony was particularly compelling, and described how “the FACT Act is the latest, but not the first, attempt by asbestos defendants to reduce, minimize and ultimately extinguish their liability to their victims in the tort system.” He describes, in-depth, the way asbestos trusts work and debunks myths about the way asbestos litigation is handled in the judicial system.
Ultimately, asbestos companies are looking to escape being held accountable for their wrong-doings through the FACT Act. Many agree that those who have been exposed to asbestos by irresponsible companies are the real victims. We suggest you watch the hearing and/or read through the witness testimonies, including Mr. Inselbuch’s, to better understand how the FACT Act hurts the victims of asbestos exposure, including innocent civilians, veterans, and their families.
Keep up with our blog posts as we continue to follow the FACT Act as it makes its way through the Senate.