
May 13, 2013

Improper Handling of Asbestos Material is Illegal

A case from Illinois points out that criminal liability exists for improper removal of building materials that contain asbestos. A man was sentenced in federal court to five months in prison, three additional months of home confinement and $3,000 in fines. The businessman had purchased a former industrial site and had it demolished, however, he [...]
April 30, 2013

Senator Baucus, Advocate for Asbestos Victims, Plans to Retire

Thirty-six years is a long time. When Max Baucus first ran for the U.S. Senate, few people had ever heard of mesothelioma. People had heard of asbestos, but they thought of it as a useful product, and many people lived in home with asbestos floor and ceiling tiles, covered with asbestos shingles, the interior walls [...]
April 15, 2013

Smoking, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestosis Increase Lung Cancer Risk

Cancer is always a worry, no matter how the diagnosis is delivered. From the smallest, most easily treated skin cancer to deadly mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure, no one wants to hear their doctor utter those three words, “You have cancer.” Lung cancer caused by exposure to cigarette smoke has been long recognized. The first [...]
April 8, 2013

U.S. Surgeon General Statement on Asbestos Awareness Week 2013

The following is a statement published by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin in regards to National Asbestos Awareness Week 2013. We support her efforts to raise awareness about asbestos and the related diseases from exposure. If you or a loved one is suffering from an asbestos-related disease or want any additional information, please [...]
March 4, 2013

School Districts Fined in Arizona for Asbestos Contamination

School buildings are often at the center of a community, carrying the hopes of each successive generation as it gains the education it needs to fully join that community. The buildings frequently serve multiple purposes and often grow and receive alterations over their decades of service. But, because they often have been present for many [...]
December 27, 2012

Asbestos and Mold Concerns Force Cleanup of Elementary School

This story is from Alabama, but this situation could occur in any school district in the United States. The problems are the same across the country, from Maine to California. The town of Montevallo is south of Birmingham, and is facing the issue of cleaning up an elementary school. The cleanup was prompted by high [...]
November 9, 2012

Elderly Diagnosed with Mesothelioma Should File a Claim ASAP

Older individuals who have developed Mesothelioma should not ignore the possibility of receiving some compensation for their disease. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. This cancer often leads to the deaths of those who develop it. The asbestos exposure occurred over a wide range of industries and many different products. The [...]
August 15, 2012

New Study Will Address How to Handle Naturally-Occurring Asbestos

While we typically hear about the dangers of asbestos when related to its inclusion in various man-made products, such as insulation and roofing materials, asbestos is a naturally occurring substance that can cause harm when people have frequent contact with the toxin. Due to the concern over naturally occurring asbestos, one town in Washington state [...]
July 11, 2012

Avoid Asbestos Exposure After Severe Storms

As those of us on the Pacific coast are now in the midst of hurricane season, it is a good time to discuss some tips to avoid asbestos exposure in the wake of a storm or natural disaster. Property damage is common following a severe storm, requiring people to get outside to clean up the [...]
May 13, 2013

Improper Handling of Asbestos Material is Illegal

A case from Illinois points out that criminal liability exists for improper removal of building materials that contain asbestos. A man was sentenced in federal court to five months in prison, three additional months of home confinement and $3,000 in fines. The businessman had purchased a former industrial site and had it demolished, however, he [...]
April 30, 2013

Senator Baucus, Advocate for Asbestos Victims, Plans to Retire

Thirty-six years is a long time. When Max Baucus first ran for the U.S. Senate, few people had ever heard of mesothelioma. People had heard of asbestos, but they thought of it as a useful product, and many people lived in home with asbestos floor and ceiling tiles, covered with asbestos shingles, the interior walls [...]
April 15, 2013

Smoking, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestosis Increase Lung Cancer Risk

Cancer is always a worry, no matter how the diagnosis is delivered. From the smallest, most easily treated skin cancer to deadly mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure, no one wants to hear their doctor utter those three words, “You have cancer.” Lung cancer caused by exposure to cigarette smoke has been long recognized. The first [...]
April 8, 2013

U.S. Surgeon General Statement on Asbestos Awareness Week 2013

The following is a statement published by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin in regards to National Asbestos Awareness Week 2013. We support her efforts to raise awareness about asbestos and the related diseases from exposure. If you or a loved one is suffering from an asbestos-related disease or want any additional information, please [...]
March 4, 2013

School Districts Fined in Arizona for Asbestos Contamination

School buildings are often at the center of a community, carrying the hopes of each successive generation as it gains the education it needs to fully join that community. The buildings frequently serve multiple purposes and often grow and receive alterations over their decades of service. But, because they often have been present for many [...]
December 27, 2012

Asbestos and Mold Concerns Force Cleanup of Elementary School

This story is from Alabama, but this situation could occur in any school district in the United States. The problems are the same across the country, from Maine to California. The town of Montevallo is south of Birmingham, and is facing the issue of cleaning up an elementary school. The cleanup was prompted by high [...]
November 9, 2012

Elderly Diagnosed with Mesothelioma Should File a Claim ASAP

Older individuals who have developed Mesothelioma should not ignore the possibility of receiving some compensation for their disease. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. This cancer often leads to the deaths of those who develop it. The asbestos exposure occurred over a wide range of industries and many different products. The [...]
August 15, 2012

New Study Will Address How to Handle Naturally-Occurring Asbestos

While we typically hear about the dangers of asbestos when related to its inclusion in various man-made products, such as insulation and roofing materials, asbestos is a naturally occurring substance that can cause harm when people have frequent contact with the toxin. Due to the concern over naturally occurring asbestos, one town in Washington state [...]
July 11, 2012

Avoid Asbestos Exposure After Severe Storms

As those of us on the Pacific coast are now in the midst of hurricane season, it is a good time to discuss some tips to avoid asbestos exposure in the wake of a storm or natural disaster. Property damage is common following a severe storm, requiring people to get outside to clean up the [...]