Construction jobs can be highly dangerous. If you were harmed on the job as a construction worker, it is crucial to understand that you have legal options. A construction workers’ compensation lawyer could assess your situation and help you pursue the payments you need to move forward with your life. Call our office today to learn more.



重物提升、沟渠塌方、湿滑表面和机械事故也可能导致问题(NIOSH 事实、建筑安全与健康)。移动机器零件是危险的。如果没有适当的工作场所预防措施和机器防护,这些部件可能会伤害手指和手,甚至截肢身体部位。




If you are a construction worker who has developed a disease or injury due to your job, you may have a workers’ compensation claim against your employer. But it is important to understand that you may also have a large claim against another contractor or the manufacturer of the product that caused your injury. At Brayton Purcell LLP, we are experienced in handling all these issues, including the health problems resulting from asbestos exposure. Please feel free to contact a construction workers’ compensation lawyer at Brayton Purcell LLP today to learn more about construction work and your legal rights.