新泽西州附近New Jersey is largely an industrial state. The state has been reliant on factory production since the Industrial Revolution. Many New Jersey residents found employment in industries with high asbestos exposure.


Many of New Jersey’s prominent industries exposed workers to large quantities of asbestos. Sixteen of the state’s thriving manufacturing plants employed over 102,700 individuals and the eight shipyards in New Jersey employed 376,200 workers. These people often encountered asbestos in their workplace.


Johns Manville Products Corporation 于 1900 年代初在新泽西州中部开设了第一家绝缘工厂。

他们制造了无数含有石棉的产品,例如绝缘材料和 Transite(石棉水泥)管道。

约翰·曼维尔成为石棉诉讼中最臭名昭著的名字之一。公司官员在 100 多年前就知道石棉是致命的,但他们仍然继续使用它。


1925年,国家石膏公司开发出含石棉墙板。该公司于 1954 年购买了位于新泽西州米灵顿的 Abestone 石棉水泥厂,在那里生产石棉水泥。 1980 年,公司因前员工因在现场暴露而患病而提起的众多诉讼而破产。



位于蒙大拿州利比的 WR Grace 蛭石矿是世界领先的蛭石生产商,向全国各地的炼油厂出口数十万吨受石棉污染的产品。新泽西州的七家炼油厂从利比矿接收蛭石,使工人接触到纤维。


纽约 从 新泽西州If you suspect that you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos at one of these sites or anywhere else in New Jersey, it is critical to understand that you have legal options. Our dedicated team is prepared to fight for your right to compensation, pursuing the payments you need and deserve for your losses. Reach out to a New Jersey asbestos exposure lawyer at Brayton Purcell, LLP to get started.