Earlier this year, Wisconsin voters approved a bill that limits the rights of asbestos victims seeking compensation for debilitating asbestos-related diseases, like mesothelioma. Despite the law passing four months ago, many retired veterans are getting ready to stand up for their rights today.
It is estimated that 30% of mesothelioma victims are military veterans. Add in the fact that veterans make up 62% of asbestos cases filed in the state over the last decade, and it is no wonder why Wisconsin vets are working to repeal the law.
While its supporters claim to want transparency within asbestos litigation, the existing law currently “limits the rights of victims seeking to recoup damages in a timely fashion for the disabling illnesses caused by exposure to asbestos.” When time is of the essence, many military veterans are let down after an asbestosis or mesothelioma diagnosis.
Many democrats are supportive of our veterans seeking compensation for their disabilities in a timely manner, and plan to introduce a bill to repeal the measure in January 2015. Several veterans groups have also expressed support of the repeal. “When 100,000 vets stand united on an issue, it clearly shows this is not right for vets,” veterans advocate, Jason Johns said.
If you are a military veteran who has been exposed to asbestos during your time of service and have since developed an asbestos-related disease, you might be eligible for compensation from those responsible for your condition. Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced asbestos or mesothelioma lawyer today for a free consultation.