We often share information here about consumer goods that have historically contained dangerous asbestos. For example, we have recently written about the dangers of asbestos found in some talcum powder, tiles, fire doors, gaskets, ships, crayons, makeup, insulation, pipes, fire blankets and many others.
Toy Safety
The organization Prevent Blindness has declared December to be Safe Toys and Gifts Month. While most toys are safe, unfortunately, parents must still be on the alert for news of toy recalls and media reports of dangerous components like asbestos in particular toys on the market.
Face Powder
Just this past summer, Justice, a retailer that sells products to young girls, stopped selling a cosmetic called Just Shine Shimmer Powder after investigative journalists had it tested in a laboratory, which revealed that it contained both asbestos and dangerous heavy metals.
Many media sources have reported that in the past several years a small sampling of children’s crayons have been found to contain asbestos, especially crayons made in China.
Fingerprinting Powder
Another major toy, some of which were reportedly manufactured in China, that contained asbestos were toy fingerprint dusting kits, no longer for sale. Both federal and state lawsuits were filed because of the danger to children of tremolite asbestos exposure from the powder in these kits that kids could breathe in, causing a risk of future cancer, asbestosis and other asbestos-related disorders.
Lawyers from Brayton Purcell LLC were involved in those fingerprint-dust lawsuits in support of public interest law firm Public Justice.