El amianto se considera una de las principales causas de cáncer de pulmón. El cáncer de pulmón causado por el asbesto se desarrolla incluso en ausencia de otros agentes cancerígenos.

Asbestos exposure combined with smoking greatly increases the risk of developing lung cancer. If you inhale both of these substances, you run a greater risk of disease than if you were exposed to either substance alone due to the synergistic effect of the two carcinogens acting together. Because the likelihood of contracting lung cancer is dose-dependent, every exposure to these deadly substances increases your disease potential.

El consumo de tabaco: un factor del cáncer de pulmón causado por el amianto

Independent of asbestos exposure, cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer mortality in the United States. Nationwide, smoking results in more than 5.6 million years of potential life lost each year. That translates to about 440,000 people per year who die from tobacco use (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC), Tobacco Information and Prevention).

Los fumadores sin daño pulmonar existente por fumar o exposición al asbesto que dejan de fumar antes de los 50 años pueden reducir el riesgo de muerte en los próximos 15 años en un 50%. Para los fumadores expuestos al asbesto, el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de pulmón aumenta según el volumen de exposición al asbesto a lo largo del tiempo.

For more information about how asbestos lung cancer develops, see Asbestos Lung Cancer on Asbestos Network.

Cáncer de pulmón por asbesto: representación legal

For over 40 years, Brayton Purcell LLP has represented clients affected by the devastating effects of asbestos cancer. Our asbestos attorneys can help you recover necessary damages from those responsible for your asbestos-related disease. For a free evaluation of your potential case, please contact Brayton Purcell LLP today with your questions and see how Brayton Purcell LLP can help you.