Os direitos dos trabalhadores

February 17, 2022

Dia Marco dos Direitos Civis e Trabalhistas

Landmark Day for Civil and Workers’ Rightsby Brayton Purcell LLP | May 28, 2015 | Workers' Rights | New rules and regulations proposed by the Department of Labor and other federal procurement agencies yesterday will seriously benefit and protect workers. This is a landmark day for civil and workers’ rights. According to Paul Bland, the [...]
January 18, 2022

Agentes penitenciários enfrentam exposição mortal ao amianto

Asbestos exposure and the deadly lung cancer mesothelioma continue to be a world-wide danger. It seems like every few days, a news reports adds a new occupation to the exposure at-risk list. Due to recent events at a New Zealand Department of Corrections facility, a significant number of prison officers risked asbestos exposure and severe [...]
February 23, 2021

Trabalhadores de caldeiras e exposição ao amianto

As more is learned about mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, the list of at-risk occupations and dangerous products seems to grow exponentially. Whether the concern is centered on hazardous careers, consumer products or construction materials, the danger of deadly consequences is unmistakable. One at-risk occupation is those who currently work or have worked in a boiler [...]
September 15, 2020

O que você deve fazer se houver um problema em um local de trabalho com amianto?

Asbestos is still all around us. It lingers in most structures that were built before 1978. It is still used in some applications, even though many uses of the mineral have been banned. It continues to sicken people every year, including with the rare cancer mesothelioma. Asbestos was commonly used in construction, shipyards, rail yards [...]
May 4, 2020

Programa de Compensação de Doenças Ocupacionais para Funcionários de Energia

In July 2001, Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) to provide compensation to workers and their survivors who have developed certain illnesses as a result of exposure to radioactive and toxic substances. EEOICPA claims can be filed by those presently or previously employed by the Department of Energy or one of its contractors or subcontractors in the nuclear weapons industry. If you, your parent (step-parent), spouse, or your grandparent worked for a Department of Energy facility or an Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) facility and currently has a condition related to exposure to radiation and/or a […]
May 4, 2020

Legislação encaminhada ao Congresso para ajudar vítimas da COVID-19 contra credores de crédito

Many Americans have filed for unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many who are still working are also having difficulty making ends meet. Predatory lenders are using this time to take advantage of those seeking financial assistance. Americans with mortgages, car payments, credit card bills, etc. are facing difficult, long-term consequences of decisions that could impact their futures. These lenders report consumers who can’t pay because of the crisis. Consumer reporting agencies (CRAs), in turn, provide that information to potential employers, other lenders and other companies that use it to penalize consumers and workers. New legislation is on the table that addresses […]
February 6, 2020

Você pode expor acidentalmente sua família ao amianto depois do trabalho?

If you work at a location that exposes you to asbestos, you are likely familiar with the risks to your own health. You may even have experienced some negative consequences. While this might be a danger you are willing to face, did you know that you could inadvertently be exposing your family to serious health [...]
January 24, 2020

Como os trabalhadores da construção civil podem combater a exposição ao amianto?

For a long time, people thought of asbestos as a miracle fiber. It was tough and naturally heat resistant. Manufacturers used it as insulation and even as a fire retardant. It was in ceiling tiles, floor tiles, siding, and everywhere. Then in the 1970s, the material’s bad side began to emerge to the public. Companies [...]
May 9, 2018

Funcionário do estado de Oregon alega que foi demitido por denunciar amianto

On February 20, 54-year-old John Neves, an Oregon state employee, filed a lawsuit in state court alleging that he had been unknowingly exposed to asbestos for 18 months in the workplace when he remodeled residential buildings at a historic youth detention center. He also says that his supervisor knew of the contamination and let the [...]