Doença relacionada ao amianto

April 3, 2023

Nova tecnologia promete condições mais seguras para os trabalhadores

Traditionally, asbestos surveying and detection has been reliant on samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials being sent to laboratories for analysis or consultants collecting samples on-site and performing a manual count of fibers. Collecting samples to test for asbestos is very risky. However, a recent innovation in technology has enabled workers to test for asbestos fibers in the air without having to be in the room. The Alert PRO 1000 is a portable warning device for airborne asbestos fibers that alerts anyone nearby of asbestos in the air. This allows workers to evacuate the area and instigate safety procedures without delay. […]
July 27, 2022

Veredicto de mesotelioma de US$ 3,5 milhões contra temperos antigos devido ao amianto no produto

Whittaker, Clark & Daniels, Inc. is being sued by a man who was exposed to asbestos through several products they supplied talc for. He was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2017 after being exposed to asbestos-laced talc in an Old Spice product that Whittaker, Clark & Daniels, Inc. supplied the talc for. The plaintiff said that the company’s officers and directors knew of the dangerous effects relating to talc but deliberately failed to prevent consumers’ exposure to asbestos. The company’s past vice president testified at trial about the company’s business and its distribution of talc. It was discovered that high-level employees […]
February 18, 2022

Mais um obstáculo para as vítimas da exposição ao amianto

A diagnosis of a disease caused by asbestos exposure is a life-changing moment that creates barriers for the patient and their family members facing an uncertain future. Asbestos exposure has been directly connected to severe health issues and mesothelioma diagnoses. Workers whose jobs involved contact with material used in insulation, roofing, tiling, and brake linings. [...]
November 5, 2021

Quem corre maior risco de contrair uma doença relacionada ao amianto?

ERROR Exposure to asbestos can cause cancer and other severe lung diseases. However, despite the high risks of asbestos, many workers still handle it to carry out their work duties in the United States. The chemical and heat resistant properties of asbestos make it useful for different industries. However, the consequence for workers who have [...]
August 2, 2021

Uma figura histórica proeminente enfrenta um futuro incerto

Mesothelioma has touched countless lives. Because asbestos exposure is a common denominator in diagnoses, anyone who comes into contact with the deadly mineral can find themselves facing a challenging and uncertain future. Former South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk served as president of the country from 1989 to 1994. He is best known for [...]
June 22, 2020

3 estatísticas que as vítimas do amianto e suas famílias devem saber

Late last year, a group of researchers from the Taussig Cancer Center in Cleveland published their findings on mesothelioma diagnosis and survival rates. The study reviews data from nearly 21,000 mesothelioma patients and reveals a few key details that mesothelioma patients and their loved ones need to know. 1. Treatment Rates For This Rare Cancer Have [...]
May 8, 2020

Compreendendo a asbestose

Asbestos exposure is so often linked to the development cancer, particularly mesothelioma. However, it is also the cause of another disease, asbestosis. How do you get asbestosis? Asbestosis is typically caused by a long period of exposure to asbestos. When fibers of asbestos are inhaled, they can become stuck in the lung tissue. The fibers [...]
March 20, 2020

Quanto é muita exposição ao amianto?

For decades, the presence of asbestos has changed the lives of those diagnosed with and suffering from mesothelioma. Hard-working professionals plied their trades over the years and decades, only to discover that their diligence and dedication has left them with a serious disease. Even everyday consumers who never worked a day in a risky environment [...]