Doença relacionada ao amianto

February 19, 2020

Veteranos da Guerra do Iraque em risco de doenças mortais

When people hear of veterans at risk from disease, they might think of Navy veterans from World War II. The harmful particle known as asbestos is widely known to have been used in shipyards and military vessels before its harmful effects were discovered. As a result, many service members developed life-threatening illnesses, such as asbestosis [...]
December 18, 2019

Processo contra a EPA pode afetar litígios sobre amianto

Every year, tens of thousands of Americans die due to asbestos-related diseases. Knowing this, in the early 1970s, asbestos insulation & sprayed asbestos materials were banned, and in 1977 asbestos joint compound was banned.  In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency banned most uses of asbestos, but manufacturers successfully sued and got the ban overturned.  Several [...]
January 3, 2019

Nova regra de uso significativa aumentou as importações de amianto nos EUA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) to address harmful materials and their use in the United States. The new guidelines require notice to be given to the EPA before harmful substances, like asbestos, are used, but does not prevent them from being used. Due to a loophole in [...]
October 11, 2018

Mês da Alfabetização em Saúde: Ocupações de Alto Risco com Exposição ao Amianto

October is Health Literacy Month. This week, we will be focusing on occupations that often have a high risk of asbestos exposure. What are the High-Risk Occupations? Most asbestos exposure happens to those who work or have worked in an industrial environment. The following occupations may have been exposed to asbestos at some point in [...]
October 4, 2018

Mês da Alfabetização em Saúde: Prevenir a Exposição ao Amianto

October is Health Literacy Month. Each week, we will be focusing on topics related to facts about asbestos and how to protect yourself and your loved-ones from exposure. This week is all about preventing asbestos exposure. What is Asbestos? Asbestos is a naturally-occurring, fibrous mineral once used in many products due to its strength and [...]
September 27, 2018

Exposição ao amianto: um problema global

Many individuals fall into a common trap of believing that a problem only exists in a small, defined corner of the world. Whether this is due to hearing items on the local news or learning about tragic events anecdotally, it leads to a dramatically limited perspective. A recent report released in the UK shines a [...]
September 13, 2018

Júri de LA: Veredicto de US$ 8,45 milhões para mesotelioma de Pipefitter

Our law firm has a strong history of fighting for pipefitters and their loved ones and survivors in the quest for recovery in personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits for injuries from wrongful exposure to asbestos that resulted in mesothelioma and other deadly diseases. On August 28, a Los Angeles state court jury awarded $8.45 [...]
August 9, 2018

Explosão de tubulação de vapor levanta preocupações com amianto

Residents in a New York City neighborhood are concerned about the risk of asbestos exposure after a steam pipe exploded due to underground pressure. The pipe was installed decades ago and people are worried that the pipe contained asbestos insulation to protect it from the extreme heat of the steam. Typically, an underground pipe wouldn’t [...]
April 10, 2018

Como o amianto causa câncer? Os pesquisadores estão aprendendo mais.

All forms of asbestos cause cancer when inhaled. Research dating back a century has irrefutably linked asbestos to mesothelioma and other diseases. Despite the wealth of knowledge on why asbestos fibers are dangerous and how asbestos fibers cause cancer, cutting-edge research continues on the subject. Two recent studies have shed light on the underlying reasons [...]
September 26, 2017

O mesotelioma é uma forma rara e fatal de câncer causado pelo amianto

Mesothelioma is a specific type of cancer overwhelmingly caused by exposure to asbestos. Specifically, mesothelioma is a cancer involving mesothelial cells that form the very thin linings/membranes surrounding and encasing the lungs, heart, abdominal cavity and gonads. These linings are called the mesothelium. After a person inhales or ingests asbestos fibers, those fibers reach the [...]