Learning that you or someone you care deeply about has cancer can be terrifying. You know that nothing will ever be the same. Your life will definitely change as you prepare to fight this battle. Learning that your cancer is mesothelioma can make you even more upset because you know it developed due to your exposure to asbestos. The companies responsible for exposing you to this dangerous material should be held legally accountable.

具有间皮瘤和解谈判经验的经验丰富的律师可以帮助您对石棉产品的制造商或分销商提出法律索赔。在 Brayton Purcell LLP,我们随时帮助您获得所需和应得的报酬。



  • 造船厂
  • 制造工厂
  • 发电厂
  • 施工,包括绝缘安装
  • 造纸厂
  • 纺织厂
  • 炼油厂
  • 化工厂
  • 金属加工厂
  • 别人

In addition, some people develop mesothelioma because contractors used materials containing asbestos in the initial construction of their homesschools, or other buildings. Others develop it even if they have only secondary exposure to asbestos through, for example, a family member or housemate whose clothes or shoes contain fibers of the substance.



An experienced lawyer can help a mesothelioma patient pursue a settlement in civil court with an asbestos-related company. Or, if the asbestos-related company has filed for bankruptcy, the company may have set up trust funds to compensate victims of asbestos exposure. A seasoned attorney can help a patient file a claim for a compensation settlement with the trustees.




A settlement could give you immediate access to the best medical care and quell your financial worries. This could allow you to focus on your health and what really matters. Reach out to our legal team today to get started.