Mesothelioma is a deadly and aggressive cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a microscopic natural fiber used in many industries. Decades after holding certain jobs in aluminum plants, steel mills, power plants, shipyards, or any other jobsite where asbestos was present, victims begin to suffer symptoms that often lead to tragic diagnoses of incurable diseases.

医疗选择似乎有限或根本不存在。然而,法律代表对于保护受害者及其家人的权利是必要的,并且有时允许我们的客户在医生建议的情况下寻求替代和更积极的治疗。在 Brayton Purcell LLP,我们拥有经验丰富且成功的审判律师,他们以代表腹膜间皮瘤受害者获得最大程度的赔偿而闻名。联系腹膜间皮瘤以了解更多信息。




Our attorneys focus on obtaining expedited trial dates and on the complex legal aspects of peritoneal mesothelioma cases while victims and their family members deal with the personal matters and the comfort of their loved one who has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease. Our lawyers are recognized nationwide by peer attorneys and families throughout the country. In the United States, Alan Brayton is considered one of the top attorneys and a renowned expert in asbestos bankruptcy law, securing billions of dollars for asbestos victims. Senior partner Gilbert Purcell has secured multimillion-dollar verdicts for his clients nationwide, including California, Oregon, Washington and Utah.


Combining the experience of our lawyers, the dedication of our support personnel and the diligence of an in-house investigative team, Brayton Purcell LLP, devotes its vast resources to pursuing the best outcome and maximizing compensation for clients. For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced peritoneal mesothelioma lawyer, please contact Brayton Purcell LLP today.