
If you were exposed to asbestos while working in a shipyard or other location, your health is at risk. Your chances of contracting asbestos-related diseases such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, or asbestosis, are dramatically higher than for people who have not been exposed. Shipyard who have contracted an asbestos-related disease have the right to claim compensation for their medical costs, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and other losses.


20 世纪 90 年代,造船和修理业是美国成年石棉肺受害者死亡证明上排名第二的行业。

尽管自 20 世纪 80 年代以来石棉的使用量显着减少,但大量船舶仍然含有石棉来绝缘锅炉、管道、垫圈和填料。造船厂工人在修理和大修活动期间仍然非常容易接触石棉。


Brayton Purcell LLP 是一个由 23 名间皮瘤律师组成的团队,代表造船厂工人及其家人。我们已为客户追回数百万美元,我们将为您寻求最好的结果。

我们为造船厂工人提供的间皮瘤律师拥有处理这些复杂案件所需的经验、知识和资源。当您聘请我们代表您时,我们将记录您的受伤情况及其与工作场所石棉暴露的联系。 Brayton Purcell LLP 将努力工作,为您争取最大的补偿。


Do you or a loved one suffer from an asbestos-related disease after workplace exposure as a shipyard worker? If so, you should speak with a mesothelioma attorney as soon as possible. Contact Brayton Purcell LLP today. In a free initial consultation, an attorney at our firm can review your case and explain how we can help you.