几十年来,美国海军和商船使用石棉来隔离锅炉、管道、涡轮机、泵、发动机、焚烧炉和其他热敏感区域。这些船上的许多海员和军官都接触过石棉。海军舰艇的封闭空间有助于集中石棉纤维。因此,海军退伍军人在服役结束 30 年、40 年甚至 70 年后,面临着与石棉相关疾病的更大风险。

If you are a Navy veteran who has contracted an asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may be eligible for compensation. You should speak with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.


Brayton Purcell LLP 成功代理了前美国海军机械师兼检查员罗伯特·惠伦 (Robert Whalen),他因在服役期间接触石棉而罹患晚期胸膜间皮瘤。海沃德陪审团判定他对约翰·克兰公司 (John Crane, Inc.) 赔偿 70,000,000 美元。

Brayton Purcell LLP is a law firm focusing on asbestos litigation. We have more than 45 attorneys and the experience, resources, and trial skills needed to win these hard-fought cases. When we represent you, we will seek maximum compensation for all of your losses, including medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering.


在 Brayton Purcell LLP,我们自己处理石棉案件,而不是将其转交给其他律师事务所。我们代表客户处理意外事件(这意味着我们只有在您获得赔偿时才能获得报酬)。

当代表您时,Brayton Purcell LLP 将组织并开展全面的调查和法律工作,旨在为您获得最佳结果。我们将记录您接触石棉的情况,充分考虑您的经济和非经济损失,并在审判或和解谈判中寻求全额赔偿。


Contact Brayton Purcell LLP to speak with an experienced workplace asbestos exposure lawyer for navy veterans. We represent clients across the U.S. from our offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. Our dedicated team could help you or your loved ones seek the compensation you deserve.