商店里的综合瓶While most people know that herbicides can be dangerous to humans and pets, particularly when ingested, California health officials have confirmed the long-held assertion that a key ingredient of some of the most popular herbicides can even cause cancer.

加州环境健康危害评估办公室已确定,草甘膦这一成分(农达等除草剂的主要成分)现已添加到根据 65 号提案编制的加州致癌化学物质清单中。一位农达除草剂律师可以在初步咨询期间更详细地解释。


尽管除草剂制造商声称他们的含草甘膦产品是安全的,但已有 800 多名非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者提起诉讼,声称农达导致了他们癌症。



The law firm of Brayton Purcell LLP is currently reviewing cases for those who have cancers associated with the weed killer Roundup.

If you or a loved one has developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and you believe Roundup, or some other glyphosate-containing product, is to blame, contact one of our offices to speak to an attorney. With multiple office locations, including offices in the San Francisco area, Los Angeles, Portland, and Salt Lake City, we represent clients nationwide.

