
许多电子烟使用者因电子烟而遭受严重甚至致命的伤害。截至 2019 年 9 月,卫生官员报告称,已有 6 人因电子烟死亡,超过 450 名患者肺部受伤。

电子烟公司将其产品作为传统卷烟的安全替代品进行营销。然而,像 JUUL 这样的产品含有较高剂量的尼古丁和许多其他与呼吸系统和心脏病有关的有毒化学物质。医生认为,电子烟造成的伤害很可能与使用这些设备时吸入的有毒化学物质有关。 JUUL 除尼古丁外还特别含有甘油、丙二醇、苯甲酸和调味剂。以下是其中一些化学物质列出的一些副作用:

  • 甘油:头痛、头晕、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、口渴和腹泻
  • 丙二醇:心脏病发作、肾功能衰竭和肝功能衰竭、癫痫发作、恶心和眩晕
  • 苯甲酸:眼睛损伤、皮肤刺激、鼻子、喉咙和肺部刺激

If your child has ingested liquid nicotine, call 911, and get medical assistance immediately. Afterward, consult with a knowledgeable attorney regarding your options for recovery against the negligent companies that failed to childproof their dangerous products. You can schedule a consultation with our lawyers online or by calling us at  800-598-0314.


电子烟在儿童和青少年中越来越受欢迎,因为这些设备体积小,很容易隐藏在父母和老师面前。 2018年,4.9%的中学生和20.8%的高中生表示使用过电子烟。

JUUL 等设备的电子烟的尼古丁浓度大约是普通香烟的两倍,这使得它们对年轻、发育中的大脑非常容易上瘾,而这些大脑对成瘾行为更加敏感。

Many companies that make the flavorings for vapes that are designed specifically to be misleading and attractive to kids. Labels vape flavorings often resemble popular products kids love such as: breakfast cereals, candy, cookies, fruit juices, and sodas. The CDC reported that these flavorings are one of the major factors in why nicotine use is attractive to kids. Around 60 percent of kids using JUUL thought that they were only inhaling flavoring and that the product was nicotine-free.


For more information on what can be done if you or your child has suffered a serious injury from vaping, contact our office. You may call our office at  800-598-0314 or fill out a contact form. We serve those who have been injured across the United States.