Hernia mesh is used to repair hernias and other wounds including chest wall reconstruction, traumatic or surgical wounds, and other fascial surgical intervention procedures. Recently, many patients have experienced injuries after hernia mesh implantation. If you or a loved one recently experienced an injury after implantation of the following devices, you may be able to file a claim. Contact a hernia mesh lawyer to get started.

C-Qur 疝气网片

2012 年 10 月,FDA 向 C-Qur 网片制造商 Atrium Medical Corporation 发出警告信,称他们未能验证其灭菌过程,也未能调查和报告多起 C-Qur 疝气网片感染病例。 2013 年 7 月,Atrium 对 C-Qur Edge Mesh 发起了 2 级召回。已向 FDA 报告了并发症,包括多起感染和其他伤害的报告。

Ethicon Physio 疝气网片

强生公司的 Ethicon 部门于 2016 年 5 月主动召回其 Ethicon Physiomesh® 柔性复合疝气网。强生对德国和丹麦未发表的疝气数据库的审查显示,与其他类似的疝气网产品相比,Physiomesh® 的失败率更高。

Kugel 网状疝气补片

Composix Kugel 网状补片专门用于修复因手术后疤痕组织变薄和拉伸而引起的腹侧(切口)疝气。它们于 1997 年推出。它的目的是支撑脆弱的腹壁,直到患者自身的组织能够生长并治愈疝气。在患者报告出现并发症后,某些用于疝气修复的 Composix Kugel 网状补片被召回。


We are currently evaluating cases for individuals affected by these medical devices. If you or a loved one experienced complications after a hernia mesh implantation, reach out to our office today. A hernia mesh lawyer could assess your case, help you understand your eligibility for compensation, and work with you to pursue the payments you need to make things right.