

  • 可待因
  • 芬太尼
  • 氢可酮
  • 洛塔布
  • 美沙酮
  • 吗啡
  • 诺科
  • 羟考酮
  • 帕可赛特
  • 曲马多
  • 维柯丁


Long-term use of opioids can lead to addiction. These medications not only block pain but create artificial endorphins that our brain can start to rely on and ultimately stop producing its own endorphins naturally. Once addicted, a patient can build up a tolerance to the drug resulting in the need for higher doses to achieve the same amount of relief when first taking the medication. Addiction is considered a disease that takes hold when the patient can no longer function without the drug.




Our attorneys are currently evaluating cases related to opioids. If you took opioids, please contact us through this simple form or call our office. You might be entitled to compensation for medical bills associated with your condition, pain and suffering, and more.