노인 학대

April 17, 2017

노인 학대: 요양원에서의 항정신병 약물 남용

Antipsychotic medication puts elderly dementia patients at higher risk of death. Unfortunately, the upsetting stereotype of the overmedicated and dazed nursing home resident is too often true for institutionalized elders across the nation. This can be caused by prescriptions for antipsychotic medications like Seroquil, Haldol, Thorazine, Abilify, Risperdal, Zyprexa and others, which have been approved [...]
July 16, 2014

노인 학대 및 퇴역 군인

Our veterans have been through so much for our country, you would think they would be honored and celebrated by every single U.S. citizen. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many companies and individuals target elderly veterans for abuse and scams, rather than celebration.There are several ways in which our elders are abused on a [...]
June 27, 2013

재정적 착취의 위험에 처한 심리적으로 취약한 노인

According to a new study, psychologically vulnerable seniors–those that have high depression scores and lower socioeconomic status–are more likely to experience financial elder abuse. Researchers at Wayne State University teamed up with the Illinois Institute of Technology and studied 4,440 seniors who were considered potential victims for higher levels of financial fraud. The study resulted in [...]