
November 4, 2013


by Brayton Purcell LLP | Nov 4, 2013 | Asbestos-Related Illness | Happy November! Did you know that this is the month to spread awareness about lung cancer? No matter if you or someone you know has been diagnosed, or if you are just learning about this deadly disease today, now is the perfect time [...]
October 30, 2013


Did you know that asbestos is a major cause of lung cancer? Many people think that smoking tobacco is the only way a person can develop lung cancer, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Anyone who has lungs can get lung cancer, and the risk greatly increases when you add both cigarette smoking [...]
October 6, 2013


How did you deal with finding out about your disease related to asbestos exposure? No matter if you were diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, or something different, many victims wonder how they can make a difference in other patients’ lives before their own time is up. On this year’s Mesothelioma Awareness Day, activists and [...]
September 30, 2013

合作伙伴帖子:Baie Verte 温石棉矿

Final Report Confirms Asbestos Dangers Written by James P. Nevin    The Final Report of the Registry of The Former Workers of The Baie Verte, Canada Chrysotile Asbestos Mine has been released. The mine was relatively unique in that it did not open until 1963, long after the hazards of asbestos were understood by the owners and [...]
September 2, 2013


Happy Labor Day! You probably have your swim suit and sunscreen out and ready for a fun day off of work, but do you know why you aren’t working today? Labor day was created by the United States labor movement in 1882 and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers1. Laborers [...]
June 25, 2013


Congress loves it acronyms for naming laws. A bill pending in the House is name FACT. This stands for the Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency Act (FACT) of 2013. According to the New York Times editorial board, “The bill is supposedly designed to root out fraud and abuse, but there is no persuasive evidence of any [...]
June 11, 2013


In a previous article written about doctors advocating for pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of some cancer drugs, statistics from a study found that thirty percent of cancer patients were “significantly burdened” by medical expenses. Another eleven percent called it a “catastrophic problem”. Mesothelioma patients are faced with several challenges after they are diagnosed. [...]
May 30, 2013


In the U.K., mesothelioma patient advocacy groups are displeased with the proposed mesothelioma bill, aiming to help patients receive compensation for their illness. The bill proposes to give mesothelioma patients eligibility for compensation and an opportunity to hold companies responsible through a paid fund. Insurance companies are required to pay into the fund. However, the [...]
November 30, 2012


A newspaper article from Australia raises the prospect that home remodeling, in part promoted by television programs, will create more victims of asbestos. The story reports that many of the victims could be women. Barry Robson, the president of the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia, was reported as saying that TV shows in Australia had [...]