Illinois has a deep-rooted economy in manufacturing, fuel, and energy. Historically, these industries have used asbestos-containing materials for fire-resistant and insulation materials.  As an Illinois asbestos exposure lawyer could explain, many workers in these industries were exposed to asbestos.

除了与上述行业相关的石棉外,还有超过 30 万吨来自蒙大拿州利比的受石棉污染的蛭石被运往伊利诺伊州进行加工。受污染的蛭石在芝加哥、吉拉德、皮奥里亚、昆西、布达和卡鲁梅特市的工厂进行加工。


伊利诺伊州的超级基金站点引起了许多石棉问题。其中最令人担忧的是位于伊利诺伊州沃基根的约翰斯-曼维尔工厂。该场地是一个占地 150 英亩的处置区,拥有约 300 万立方码的废物和有毒物质,包括石棉。由于该地点靠近密歇根湖和伊利诺伊海滩州立公园,因此导致了这些热门目的地周围的空气石棉危害。

在芝加哥,前 WR Grace & Company 工厂处理了超过 273,000 吨从蒙大拿州利比运来的含石棉蛭石。该工厂的工人接触到危险水平的石棉。 WR Grace 于 1996 年停止了芝加哥工厂的运营。


In World War II, a shipyard in Seneca, Illinois built landing ships that were used in the D-Day assault at Normandy. The 200-acre site was three-fourths of a mile along the Illinois River.





Brayton Purcell LLP is dedicated to seeing justice served to those in need. Contact our personal injury lawyers today if you have been exposed to asbestos in Illinois. You may be entitled to compensation. Discuss your legal options with an Illinois asbestos exposure lawyer today.