Asbestos-Related Illness

October 29, 2012

21st Anniversary of Asbestos Ban Being Overturned – A Look Back

Mesothelioma is a cancer that is often triggered by asbestos mineral fibers being inhaled and settling in the lungs. These very tiny fibers, lodge deep in the lungs and irritate the tissue, eventually causing scar tissue to develop, called Asbestosis. Asbestos had been used for decades in many industrial and construction applications, from insulating batting [...]
July 17, 2012

Types of Workers Susceptible to Asbestos-Related Illness

While the danger of asbestos exposure in the workplace has decreased as its health risks have become public knowledge, many workers were exposed to the dangerous substance before safety regulations were established. As it can take decades for asbestos exposure to result in an asbestos-related disease, it is critical for people to be aware of [...]