Asbestos-Related Illness

August 11, 2017

What Types of Cancer are Caused by Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring, fibrous mineral once used in many products due to its ability to resist heat. It was used for decades in textile products, automotive parts, home and commercial buildings, naval ships, and more. If asbestos is disturbed, the fibers become airborne resulting in inhalation or ingestion. Over time, these fibers can eventually [...]
June 16, 2017

Men’s Health Week: Testicular Mesothelioma

Today in our last post in recognition of Men’s Health Week, we look at the asbestos-related disease of testicular mesothelioma – the rarest kind of mesothelioma. Earlier this week, we talked about how mesothelioma in general impacts men at a far greater rate than it does women. Mesothelioma in General Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related cancer [...]
April 3, 2017

File Your Legal Claim ASAP for Asbestos-Related Disease

During the 2017 Global Asbestos Awareness Week we seek to highlight important topics in the fight against asbestos exposure and illness. We have blogged about the important topic of statutes of limitations in asbestos cases before and today we revisit the subject of deadlines imposed for filing lawsuits for asbestos injury. Statutes of Limitation The [...]
February 21, 2017

Even Though Asbestosis Is Noncancerous, It Can Still Be Fatal

We have focused a lot in recent postings on the two main kinds of cancer that asbestos exposure can cause: mesothelioma and lung cancer. Today we will look at a noncancerous disease caused by breathing in asbestos fibers – an irreversible condition that can be disabling and even lead to death: asbestosis. Nature of Asbestosis [...]
September 30, 2015

Women and Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related disease that is commonly found in men who work in blue-collar trades. But did you know that women can also be at risk for a deadly diagnosis, as well? There are many ways women can experience secondary asbestos exposure, which can lead to mesothelioma. Here are just a few: Doing the [...]
September 4, 2015

Asbestos-Related Deaths in California Counties

Are you a California citizen? It might come as a surprise to learn that of the top 100 places in the US where asbestos-related deaths are the highest, California counties take thirteen of those spots. The number one county affected by asbestos-related deaths in the United States is Los Angeles, California. Between 846 and 1,227 [...]
August 20, 2015

What Is Secondhand Exposure to Asbestos? Were You Exposed?

In the fights against big tobacco and for public health, medical professionals warned the public that cigarette smokers weren’t just hurting themselves when they lit up. Their children and others in their home were exposed to secondhand smoke, which is also associated with negative health consequences. While it is far less common than cigarette smoking, [...]
May 17, 2015

Do You Have Any Doubt Who Will Really Pay?

Doubt is an interesting thing. For decades, the tobacco industry was able to sell, unmolested, a product that kills people. But because it does not do it instantly, it is possible to raise doubt as to the exact causation. And the tobacco industry successfully was able to turn aside lawsuits attempting to make it accountable [...]
April 21, 2015

When it’s not really about Transparency and Fairness

Isn’t it funny how “fairness” is often used as weapon that is turned against those who are being victimized? California’s neighboring state, Arizona, has just put in place a new law that is designed to stop a great evil. According to the state’s governor, that evil is double recovery for asbestos victims. It “must be [...]
March 3, 2015

“A Characterization Study, not an Exposure Study”

“A Characterization Study, not an Exposure Study”by Brayton Purcell LLP | Mar 3, 2015 | Asbestos-Related Illness | Mark Twain noted that there are “Lies, damned lies and statistics.” In the world of asbestos and mesothelioma studies, there are lots of statistics. The risk posed by asbestos exposure is terrifically difficult to gauge, because there [...]