Popular Mexican cuisine, fast food restaurant, Chipotle is facing CDC and FDA investigations after being connected to an e. Coli outbreak of the Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O26 (STEC O26). Numerous states have been affected by the outbreak, including California. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first occurrence of a foodborne illness that the popular eatery has been associated with; opening the chain up to numerous product liability claims by those impacted by the outbreak.
Previous incidents of E. coli outbreaks throughout the country, associated with Chipotle, have managed to steer clear of the public’s attention. Such outbreaks include:
- Seattle Summer E. coli Outbreak
- California Norovirus Outbreak
- Minnesota Salmonella Outbreak
- Boston Norovirus Outbreak
Unfortunately, the latest in the long string of incidents isn’t going to go away anytime soon. Out of 52 individuals interviewed after falling ill, 47 claimed that they had recently eaten at a Chipotle restaurant. While the exact cause of the illness has not been revealed, officials have stated that it appears the illness is associated with a common food item or ingredient. States which have been linked to the most recent outbreaks include: California, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts.
Foodborne illnesses such as E. coli are serious matters. Not only are those affected horribly ill, they often have to take time off of work in order to seek proper medical treatment. Discussing what options are available to you after suffering through a foodborne illness or other product liability matter, can help provide answers on what to do next. Qualified personal injury attorneys can aid in such situations and guide you to recover not only physically, but also financially.