Elmiron (pentosano polissulfato de sódio) é um medicamento para tratar dores na bexiga associadas à cistite intersticial (CI). IC é uma condição crônica que causa dor e pressão na bexiga.

Elmiron can cause changes in the pigment in patient’s eyes called pigmentary maculopathy. This can result in problems reading, blurred vision, and difficulty adjusting to low light.

Em 2019, os Drs. Rachel M. Huckfeldt e Demetrios G. Vavvas publicaram um relato de caso em Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina de um paciente cuja condição ocular continuou a piorar 6 anos após a interrupção do medicamento.

Three ophthalmologists at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California conducted a review of patients. They found that about one-quarter of patients with significant exposure to Elmiron showed signs of eye damage. Often Elmiron can masquerade as other known retinal conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration or pattern dystrophy.

Outros efeitos colaterais comuns do Elmiron incluem queda de cabelo, diarréia e náusea. Dor de cabeça, dor abdominal e dor de estômago.

Entre em contato com um advogado Elmiron

Our attorneys are currently investigating Elmiron lawsuits on behalf of people who took the drug and experienced vision problems including blurred vision, maculopathy, retinopathy, and vision impairment. If you are suffering adverse side effects from this drug, reach out to an Elmiron lawyer right away to review your legal options.