Embora o mesotelioma seja considerado uma forma incurável de câncer, novos medicamentos e tratamentos podem resultar em melhoria da qualidade e duração da vida. Os ensaios clínicos de novos medicamentos contra o cancro oferecem esperança às vítimas do mesotelioma.

At Brayton Purcell LLP, our mesothelioma attorneys do more than handle your legal case. We are involved in the lives of our clients, and our goal is to help you obtain the most up-to-date, cutting-edge cancer treatment available. While we have offices based in Northern California and Southern California, our legal practice spans the entire nation. Contact us for an initial consultation about your case.

Benefícios potenciais dos ensaios clínicos sobre mesotelioma

Os ensaios clínicos são estudos sobre a segurança e/ou eficácia de novos medicamentos e procedimentos para tratar doenças específicas. Os ensaios clínicos geralmente têm três etapas:

  • Stage 1: Tests the safety of the drug in a small group of patients.
  • Stage 2: Tests the safety and efficacy of the drug in a larger group of patients.
  • Stage 3: Compares the drug’s safety and efficacy to the current standard of care in a large group of patients. Stage 3 clinical trials are usually blinded, with some patients receiving the current standard of care and some receiving the new drug or treatment.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine keeps a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. lists current clinical trials for mesothelioma. As of November 2017, there were 330 clinical trials for mesothelioma. Eighty-six of these trials were recruiting patients.

Qualquer teste de um novo medicamento ou procedimento traz benefícios e riscos potenciais. Alguns medicamentos podem ser mais eficazes do que o padrão atual de tratamento. Outros medicamentos podem ser menos eficazes e ter efeitos colaterais inaceitáveis. Antes de tomar qualquer decisão sobre participar de um ensaio clínico, você deve discutir possíveis tratamentos com seu médico.

Informações legais para pacientes com mesotelioma e suas famílias

For more than 40 years, Brayton Purcell LLP has represented clients affected by the devastating effects of asbestos-related cancer. Our California mesothelioma lawyers will work hard to help you recover damages from those responsible for your asbestos-related disease. For a free evaluation of your potential case, contact our team of mesothelioma lawyers.